Spaying and Neutering Saves Lives & It’s as Easy as ABC
Animal Defenders are a group of dedicated volunteers working hard to create AWARENESS and COMPASSION for the animals on the island. Their main priorities are sterilizing, aftercare, feeding and adoption of (stray) dogs and cats. Since it is a community problem, their wish is to get the community involved.
The stray population became a much bigger problem after Hurricane Irma. Many people in our community lost their homes and/or jobs and many pets were abandoned. Many of these abandoned animals are not spayed/neutered so they keep multiplying. The ABC project: Animal Birth Control, will prevent births and will prevent lot’s of suffering with simple spay/neuter operations. Instead of waiting on people reaching out to us, we want to reach them they need to know that (financial) help is available. So that will be their main focus during 2019.
Through the funds raised by Be The Change during December, Animal Defenders can offer low-cost spaying and neutering services to those families that may be struggling to afford the services regularly for their pets.